Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Recognizing and Dealing With an Intoxicated Guest

Guests are the lifeblood of any food and beverage business. Understanding this, food and beverage businesses make it a point to emphasize quality guest service. There are situations, however, when a guest may become unruly or otherwise disruptive. This can especially be the case for food and beverage operations that serve alcohol. Dealing with intoxicated guests quickly and effectively is important in order to maintain a pleasant environment for other guests.

How to deal with intoxicated guests should be outlined in the restaurant SOP of every food and beverage business. In addition to detailed procedures on handling problem guests, a restaurant manager should insure that personnel are properly trained in those procedures. A restaurant training guide will help a restaurant manager in accessing problem areas and providing training guidelines.

In dealing with intoxicated guests, the key is preparation and awareness. Preparation comes in the form of training, as we have mentioned, that will allow staff to have the necessary knowledge and skills to deal with any problem that arises. Awareness involves staff being able to recognize signs of trouble and effectively reacting to those signs prior to the situation escalating. If staff is on their toes, dealing with intoxicated guests can be a fairly smooth task.

For those food and beverage businesses that serve alcohol, it is imperative that a restaurant manager and staff remain vigilant at all times. As staff move about the floor, they should be attentive of guest's speech and movement. If signs of intoxication (slurred communication, disruptive physical behaviour) begin to manifest, special attention will need to be given and intervention considered.

If a guest becomes intoxicated and becomes potentially disruptive, a restaurant manager should be consulted. In these situations, it may be necessary to refuse a guest continue alcohol related service or overall service. This is a delicate situation that should be approached with care by a restaurant manager. The idea is to contain the situation and not have it escalate to a point where it disrupts the environment and other guests.

Once a course of action is decided, staff should remain respectful yet firm in removing a guest. Especially in case of intoxication, staff should attempt to assist the guest in obtaining alternative transportation if the guest is trying to drive themselves. If nothing else, always remember that a food and beverage business continues to bear a degree of legal responsibility for a guests actions in the case of over service (i.e. the guest becomes visibly intoxicated). As such, it is in the best interest of the business to ensure that an intoxicated guest gets home safely.

In short, dealing with intoxicated guests does not necessarily have to be a tremendous trial for food and beverage staff. With properly outlined procedures in place, staff will have the confidence and knowledge to effectively deal with guests who become intoxicated. More importantly, they will be able to identify potential problems and alleviate them before they escalate. For more information on how to deal with intoxicated guests, don't hesitate to review our restaurant SOP and restaurant training guide.

A major key for success in the food and beverage industry is knowledge. Don't find yourself behind the eight ball! With our informative eBooks (most of which are free!), you will have all the informative resources you need to not only manage your business, but enhance it. Visit to learn more about how to make your food and beverage operation a booming success.
Ehab Rashwan

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Be a Good Restaurant Leader!

Leadership is a very complex word and it comprises of a process where in a person can move towards a goal or organization target also taking along a set of people who are his/her followers and are ready to commit to similar ideologies and work towards the accomplishment of the goal. However with the growing effect of modern theories for business, a leader is often confused with a manager. One ironical fact about this confusion is that a leader is a manager but a manager is not necessarily a leader.

A restaurant manager or any other manager, for that matter, can be a good leader however by developing certain qualities and skills that differentiate a leader from a manager. First of all, you have to understand that being a manager you do not own the people who work under you as the restaurant staff. A leader always takes people along with him, while a manager merely expects people to do what they are ought to do. You have to show your restaurant staff that you are one team and you are one of them and are on a mission to accomplish a particular goal.

Another important aspect is that a leader is always focused on the goal, don't set goals and forget about them as your restaurant staff will follow the same example. If you consider yourself to be the leader and set a task of working with good time management and end up late every day, your staff is not going to give a bit about what you have set as goals for them. As it is famously quote "Practice what you preach"

A leader also looks into the problems of the followers that would make it difficult for them to move towards the goal and tries to help them out. You should also give a personal attachment sense to your restaurant staff so that they can share their problems and expect help from you. In this way they always carry an obligation to you as well as respect you as a person of character and look up to you.

You have to keep in mind that as a manager you have a staff that can move away any day for selfish motives and there might be very little you can do because you put in very little efforts when you had to become their leader. If you are able to raise to the level of a leader you will always have supporters and followers behind you, supporting you and helping you take you restaurant business to newer heights as they look up to you!

A major key for success in the food and beverage industry is knowledge. Don't find yourself behind the eight ball! With our informative eBooks (most of which are free!), you will have all the informative resources you need to not only manage your business, but enhance it. Visit to learn more about how to make your food and beverage operation a booming success.

Ehab Rashwan